Colegio Internacional Cocibolca International School
in collaboration with colectivo clinameN



A Game and Leisure Proposal
for Education and Holistic Development of Children

The Role of Play and Recreation

Once the school year ends many of us parents wonder what to do for our sons and daughters so that they can spend their leisure time in a healthy and productive way and enjoy their deserved vacation while maintaining learning skills useful for life.

Games and recreation are especially effective when teaching values as well as developing physical, mental, emotional, and relational skills (among others). They represent an experience of fun and enjoyment, a chance to participate, to link oneself with others, to self-express, to create and undo, and to transform themselves and their surroundings from multiple perspectives. This camp will be a time of challenges that, out of the protected space of the play activity, will allow us to test other ways of being and acting that encourage growth as human beings and nurture and develop skills that are useful throughout life.

For this reason we believe education for leisure and recreation is indispensable. Generating a healthy management of both allows us to influence values (such as participation, freedom, expression, creation, communication, tolerance, respect, diversity, solidarity), structure key concepts (such as the good life, citizenship and democracy), and shape attitudes (such as connection to community, affection and personal care)

In short, game and recreation contribute to the comprehensive development of the individual out of a collective experience because of their ability to open minds, sharpen bodies and enrich sensitivities (paraphrasing our teachers from Centro La Mancha of Uruguay).

The proposal for a bilingual recreational camp

In line with these principles we are offering to families and, in particular, to boys and girls, the experience of a summer camp. The camp will function as a gathering place, as an inclusive and collective community, and as an educational space supplementing the traditional school curriculum.

This camp is designed to be a playful time of enjoyment as well as a time of learning by doing. In as such it is a simulation of daily life in which we will exercise coexistence and social integration from the perspective of human rights and democratic values. It will be a space to interact with their peers, to self-manage, to participate and learn accountability while cultivating tolerance, respect, empathy, cooperation and care in dealing with others.

Furthermore it will be a motivating environment that encourages exploration, testing, and discovery where children may develop to the fullest their potential skills in cognition, movement and social-affective areas. It will be a space for play and creativity that, among other things, allows:

  • strengthening of individual, leadership, and teamwork skills
  • acknowledgement of human potential in individual, emotional, and social aspects
  • creation of a sense of community that enhances the values ​​of excellence, self-realization, transcendence and (individual and social) responsibility
  • identification of new practices of human recreation that contribute to improving quality of life
  • strengthening language skills in both English and Spanish through promotion of bilingualism and intercultural practice


The camp will be held on four consecutive weeks:

  • week I: June 23rd – 27th
  • week II: June 30th – July 4th
  • week III: July 7th – 11th
  • week IV: July 14th – 18th

Each week will have a specific theme that will be independent of the others. Children can participate in one or more weeks of camp without committing to the full duration.


The camp days will begin at 8:30 AM (time of the beginning of play activities) to 1:00 PM (when children are sent back to their families). Kids will be given a midmorning snack.


Ages: 6 to 12 years.
The coordinating team may accept exceptions to this topic.

The minimum number of kids per Camp is 12.


The price of the camp starts at U.S. $ 25 per week with a progressive discount for every week thereafter.

  • 1 week: $25
  • 2 weeks: $45
  • 3 weeks: $65
  • 4 weeks: $80


How to apply?

Donwload here the APPLICATION FORM

Further information:

campamentococibolca@ gmail.com

8814 2210




Afiche camp final

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